Tuesday 30 November 2010

Exercise One: Mechanic Development

At the same time as Exercise Two, I have been exploring the mechanics I picked for Exercise One several weeks ago. For each mechanic I brainstormed the ‘character’ a game concept could be based around, the tone and age demography and different ways I could use the mechanic. From the brainstorms I drew away the key points and notes.

For the Morph Ball, some of the key points I explored were perspective (either making a 2D or 3D game) and the use of secondary character. One of the points I discovered was the transition between Morph Ball and normal mode is almost like two separate characters so I thought, why not literally make it two separate characters? The concept I drew from my notes is some kind of 2D, puzzle/platform game where the two characters both have different uses.

The Octocamo was another mechanic I explored, I knew the key for this was finding unique uses for the camo and exaggerating its power. I thought as well as taking the camouflage the player character could also take the element/texture. So if they were to take a metal texture the character would literally become metal. Each element could have different uses to solve or get around the environment.

The others had slightly less interesting results, for Game Speak
I developed a concept where the player would have different languages to talk with different species in the environment. They would have to talk in game to get out of situations or get NPC’s help. Right now, the next challenge is picking a concept I will actually take and develop a level around.

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