Tuesday 23 November 2010

Exercise One Brainstorming

As stated in the previous blog, Exercise One is for me to create some unique game concepts based around existing game mechanics. The first thing I did was brainstorm as many games with interesting/unique game mechanics I could think of onto a piece of A3 paper. I tried to avoid obvious mechanics found in a broad range of games and stick with ones that are mostly exclusive to the title they are found in.

From the brainstorm I picked several different mechanics that sounded like they had enough weight to base a game concept around. I collected some reference images from each game and compiled them together below.

MORPH BALL: From the Metroid series (specifically Metroid Prime), the player has the ability to transform into ball allowing them to roll around the environment, access smaller areas and rolls up ramps. The Morph Ball also has the ability to drop bombs and climb 'spider tracks' to reach otherwise inaccessible areas. I picked this mechanic because I liked the idea of switching from first person perspective to third person when you control the Morph Ball. The Morph Ball was almost a game within itself, the controls and abilities were completely different from the regular mode and it gave the environments a completely different perspective. Conceptually I also like the idea you turn from a character/human into an object almost, often using the morph ball as a object or conduit in complex mechanism in the environment.

OCTOCAMO: Based on an octopus' ability to change it's appearance to blend in with it's environment, Metal Gear Solid 4 gave the player a special auto-camo suit which would change it's texture to blend into the surface the player was leaning against. The core concept of Metal Gear Solid is stealth and the player would use the octocamo to blend seamlessly into the walls, floors and objects of the environment to sneak past guards undetected.

MASKS: Majora's Mask's central theme was 'masks' the player would collect throughout the game which would help them beat dungeons and solve quests. When worn masks would transformed the player into a totally different character, with new moves and advantages to get around the world. I usually find games with 'transforming' mechanics pretty uninspired but Majora's Mask managed to get it right and all the main masks were useful and more importantly, fun to use.

GAME SPEAK: From the Oddworld series, the player character of the game, Abe, uses 'Game Speak' to communicate with members of the same species as himself. Buttons are assigned which allowed Abe to shout commands to other characters, including 'Follow me', 'Wait' and 'Work'. Using game speak the player must guide Abe and his friend to escape portals avoiding the enemy NPCs who too, have their own unique game speak which they use to talk to one another.

BRUSH TECHNIQUES: The Celestial Brush, was the one of the most prominent mechanics in the PS2/Wii game 'Okami'. At any time during the game the player could use brush techniques to fight enemies, bloom flowers and trees or alter the environment. This could including painting stars in the sky, manipulative water and fire or change the environments from night to day.

PORTALS: As the title suggests, Portal's unique mechanic revolves around the Portal Gun with the power to shoot an entrance and exit portal anywhere in the environment. The Portal Gun was used to solve small environment puzzles usually contained to one or two indoor rooms. The player could send objects or themselves through the portals in order to reach the exits.

The next steps for exercise one is to take these six mechanics and brainstorm some scenarios and different obstacles these mechanics could be applied to in the process creating some unique game concepts based around them. I will then select the mechanics with the most interesting scenarios and take them on to the next step of the project.

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