Sunday 28 November 2010

Exercise Two: Legend of Zelda Mechanic Concepts

Like before I brainstormed numerous mechanic possibilities for a 3D Legend of Zelda game, mainly with a dungeon item in mind that I could use to design puzzles and obstacles with. Unlike God of War I could be alot more free and unique with the Zelda mechanics without worrying about make sure the equipment had to all be combat based.

1. Magic Flute: The first concept is a Magic Flute, an item which allows the player to control NPC animals in close proximity. When played near one of these NPCs, they will follow and assist the player until the flute is withdrawn. Different NPCs will have different unique powers that can help the player, e.g. a large animal might help you lift a heavy object etc. When playing the flute enemies will stop attacking the player and dance.

2. Magnetic Poles: Two large magnetic poles. When activated the two are inseparable. The player can place the two magnetic poles in specific spots and activate the poles at any time. If the player is holding the other stick when they activate it they will be pulled towards the other pole. The magnetic poles can be useful for moving large objects or reaching out of reach areas.

3. Climbing Claws: These allow the player to climb specific surfaces and walls much quicker than normal. It also allows them to jump from a wall onto another surface. The player can also use them to attack or dig holes in damage floor surfaces.

4. Carry Ball: A large spherical object the player must carry with both hands. Certain objects, enemies or characters of sizes usually too heavy to transport can be pulled inside the ball. When empty the player can shoot a beam from the centre, sucking whatever it hits into the ball. Pressing the button again will release whatever is into the carry ball. This can be used to carry large objects, trap enemies or carry NPC characters.

5. Spear: At first glance this mechanic looks like a regular Spear but it has several uses within the context of the game. Besides being used a melee weapon, the spear can be thrown to hit objects or enemies. It can also be used to in the place of a broken leveller, sticking it in the mechanism and pulling it like a switch. It can be used in other mechanisms as switches or handles to twist and turn devices.

6. Fairy Container: A lantern like object the player can use to hold one of three coloured fairies in the world. It can hold one fairy at a time and with a fairy inside, equipping the containing will give the player a unique power. Green: Will freeze time for a few seconds. Blue: Illuminant hidden objects or writing in the room. Red: Attract enemies to the player.

1 comment:

  1. one thing I hate to point out but in one of the oracle games on the gb colour, magnetic gloves were already used with a very similar function :(

    apart from that though I love these ideas :D

    and yay zelda!
