Wednesday 24 November 2010

Exercise Two: God of War Mechanic Concepts

From my brainstorm I selected six mechanic concepts to put into God of War and construct a level from. Above is a quick mock up of the six pieces of equipment I have created for God of War. Like I said earlier, it was important to make sure all the mechanics influenced the combat in the game but with a useful second function to solve puzzles or obstacles. 

1. Cronus Sickle: The sickle can cut portals in the environment to and from the underworld. Creature will emerge from the underworld and drag one enemies into the portal before they close. Once used again and a portal is reopened the remains/red orbs of the enemy will return to the player. The player can trap enemies in portals and then release them in deadly areas to instant kill them. The underworld portals can also be used for puzzles, pushing objects into them and making them reopen elsewhere etc. The Sickle is also a decent melee weapon.

2. Helmet of Hades: When worn, the helmet allows the player to see astral objects and undead spirits in the environment. Any undead souls in the area will flock to the player and protect/fight them in battle as well as assisting them proceed in the environment.

3. Achilles Armour: The Achilles armour makes the player invincible from all damage from enemies and the environment. The armour will appear on Kratos when selected and disappear once magic/stamina is depleted.  The armour greatly increases the players weight making them run slower and attack slower. On the plus side, the immense weight of the armour can prevent the player from being pushed, blown or pulled off a ledge. On top of that jumping from a height whilst wearing the armour can smash a surface or object below it. 

4. Sword of AttiliaA massive sword the player can use in combat to defeat enemies. Made from steel the sword also has the ability to conduct heat and electricity. Conducting heat in the sword might help the player melt ice paths or warm up water, conducting electric might trigger mechanisms in the environment.

5. Svalinn ShieldA defensive and offensive weapon the shield can be raised to protect the player from enemy attacks and projectiles. The shield can be thrown like a boomerang, cutting down all enemies or objects in it's path. It can also reflect beams of light or lasers into other objects and surfaces.

6. MjolnirThe Mjolnir is a powerful hammer, the player can attack with normal swings or swing and smash down to the ground with it. When the Mjolnir smashes into the ground it can create shock waves which might effect the environment around the player. It can smash large boulders or walls that might block the player.

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