Friday 3 December 2010

Exercise One: Camoleon - Completed

The final project of Semester one was the completion of 'Cameleon' my unique game concept revolving around the theme of camouflage and stealth. I can't help but feel this project got neglected a bit compared with the other two in Exercise Two. It's a shame too as towards the end I realised what an interesting concept this would have been to explore and build on. Perhaps I'll revist it in the future.

The project is presented over two A3 sheets, one sheet is the rough outline and introduction of the concept, explaining the key features and mechanics. The second sheet is a quick sample stage demonstrating proof of concept. Both presentation sheets feature a 360 controller diagram with instructions labelling it. I thought the fact the game only used three buttons was an important thing to point out as the simplest games are often the most popular amongst wider audiences.

One big difference between this stage and the other two is that this game is 2 dimensional. In a way it's easier to draw a two dimensional stage (it requires alot less annotations too) and it doesn't require complicated 3D diagrams. 

Conclusion: Despite spending little time with this project, I actually really like the concept and would consider delving deeper into it at some point. I seemed to put most my energy into Exercise Two as it felt like those were the two that would be most useful to show in a portfolio, to show I can work within limitation of a concept but still express my creativity. 

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