Monday 28 March 2011

Ecotone Design Pitch

Ecotone (formerly called Camoleon) was very thrown together project towards the end of Semester 1. I had taken more focus on the other two projects which unfortunately left to this one being neglected compared to the other two. The end result was two very quick Initial Pitch boards with a quick overview of the game and one page of a quickly done level design.
Despite the half arsed-ness of it, our M.A. Tutor Josh said Camoleon was his favourite of all three projects. So the project I spent the least amount of time and effort on got the best marks, try making sense of that if you will. 

Maybe there are subconsciously some reptile-esque influences in the world right now but since I came up with this idea several chameleon characters have started popping up in films. Specifically Disney’s Tangled and Rango, so it seems now my MA show will be under fire from the inevitable ‘You ripped off Rango/Tangled!’ With competitors like that it’s really tempting to just scrap the idea concept and start something fresh but I know whatever I come up with will have some smug pretentious geek chuckle to himself cause he’s seen it somewhere before. 

So my real challenge is ‘man-ing up’ and just going with the concept I have, and try to inject some originality into the important areas. In my spare time I've been reading a couple of Game Design related books I bought off and one in particular is actually brilliant containing almost our entire degree in around 500 pages.

So my current goals for this project are developing some sort of visual design document, whether that's a pitch/GDD/level document or whatever and hopefully, a very basic prototype to demonstrate the game in action.

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