Wednesday 13 October 2010

Blog Virginity

After finishing my B.A. Honours in Games Design at the University of Central Lancashire with a 1st class degree, tradition has it (apparently) for the university to pay for 1st class students to take the M.A. (Masters Degree) free of charge. Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth it seemed silly not to persuade one more year of education on the bill of the uni I just spent a ridiculous amount of money on with tuition fees. Besides that, I planned on taking the next year or so of my life to build up a portfolio of work to take to interviews for future employers but then I do I do that? The M.A. seemed like a perfect excuse to take a year building up my portfolio then getting another certificate at the end of it.

As part of the M.A. we are apparently required to keep a ‘reflective diary’ of some sort. Whether this be a hand written document or an online medium is up to us the individual and considering I get about twice as much written using a computer I opted for the easier method.

So the purpose of this blog is to be a reflection, documentation and extension of the thoughts and progresses of my work. Being that, I’m going to go on a limb and assume that means this diary should be an unfiltered, non-formal type of documentation (e.g. no swearing or ranting). That said, I think it’s important to keep what I say as pure and as spontaneous as the thoughts and ideas that come into my head are.

Another thing that has put me off ever blogging is the idea of me coming across as pretentious and arrogant. Sadly, it is very difficult to avoid that so I must try keeping that to a minimum. 

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